Oysters Festival 海蛎节
Black Truffle Oyster Noodle 黑松露海蛎烧豆面
Savour the two delicacies from the land and sea complemented with smooth and silky bean flour noodles. 浓郁鲜香的山海双珍,焖至豆面爽滑入味$24.90
Meat & Seafood 肉类海鲜
Pan-fried Yellow Croaker (500g) 软煎大黄花鱼(500克)
PUTIEN authentic home-style taste, salty and sweet sauce 莆田地道家常味,咸甜酱香$53.20Traditional Buddha Jumps Over The Wall 经典佛跳墙
Simmered for over ten hours, this is a highly mutritional soup comprising of a medley of premium ingrdients; specially prepared for our distinguished guests. 贵宾到,吃贵宾菜!山珍海味好食材,文火慢煨出金汤。$172.30Deep-fried Squirrel Yellow Croaker (1000g) 松鼠大黄花鱼 (1000克)
$85.10Deep-fried Squirrel Yellow Croaker (800g) 松鼠大黄花鱼(800克)
Crunchy bite of yellow croaker with juicy and tender meat on the inside, drizzled with sweet and sour sauce with a mildly spicy kick. 黄鱼外酥里嫩,淋上酱汁酸甜微辣。$75.00Deep-fried Squirrel Yellow Croaker (600g) 松鼠大黄花鱼 (600克)
$48.90Steamed Prawn with Minced Garlic 蒜蓉蒸虾
Cooked with live prawns to ensure fresh and juicy meat! 只用新鲜活虾,虾肉鲜甜弹嫩!$27.10Stir-fried Spicy Abalone and Pork 鲍鱼辣椒小炒肉
A sizzling favourite! (Contains three abalones) 爆炒出香,吃不腻。(每例含三粒鲍鱼)$31.40PUTIEN Sweet & Sour Pork with Lychees-S 莆田荔枝肉
A popular traditional Fujian dish - an appetising dish boasting a perfect balance of sour and sweetness from the real lychees used. 福建传统名菜,酸酸甜甜人人爱,真的有荔枝哦。$18.40Deep-fried Lychee Pork 干炸荔枝肉
Vegetables 风味时蔬
Stir-fried Kailan with Bean Curd Skin 芥兰豆皮
The kale is crisp, tender and refreshing, and the bean skin is soft and delicious 芥蓝脆嫩爽口,豆皮松软入味$18.40Stir-fried Yam 酥炒芋芯
Crispy brown on the outside, glutinous testure on the inside, enjoy its best tasting moment as soon as it is served! 外酥内糯,趁热才好吃!$18.40
Main Course 风味主食
Fried Heng Hwa Bee Hoon 兴化炒米粉
A dish of which its craftsmanship has been listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Our specialty-Heng Hwa Bee Hoon-the only sundried vermicelli milled by hand in Putian, is brimming with glutinous fragrance. 被列入“非物质文化遗产”的一道菜,太阳下自然晒干,米香味十足。$14.00Fujian Red Mushroom Seafood Lor Mee 福建红菇海鲜卤面
14 Soulful ingredients in a bowl; a satisfying broth packed full of flavour . 一碗面14种好食材, 汤浓料足,桌桌必点。$20.50Fujian Seafood Lor Mee 福建海鲜卤面
$15.10Mazu Mee Sua 妈祖平安面
Have a bowl of Mazu Mee Sua for a smooth-sailing life. 一碗妈祖面,幸福长寿保平安。$14.00Steamed Rice 白饭
Giftbox 好食材礼盒
Mee Sua Gift Box (1kg) D妈祖面线礼盒
$14.00Heng Hwa Bee Hoon Gift Box (1kg) D兴化米粉礼盒