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BBQ 烧烤类
Grilled Chicken Ankle 秘制掌中宝
Dive into the unique taste of three secret recipe chicken ankle skewers, a hidden gem in our menu. 尝尝我们菜单上的隐藏宝石,三串秘制鸡脚筋。$6.30Grilled Eggplant 烤茄子
Savor the smoky and soft texture of grilled eggplant, a vegetarian's favorite. 品尝烤茄子的烟熏和软滑的口感,这是素食者的最爱。$8.00Grilled Beef Skewers 烤牛肉串
Relish the rich flavor of three beef skewers, grilled to perfection for the ultimate taste. 品尝三串烤至完美的牛肉串的浓郁风味。$5.60Grilled Lamb Skewers 烤羊肉串
Experience the succulent taste of three perfectly grilled lamb skewers, a taste of tradition in every bite. 尝尝三串完美烤制的羊肉,每一口都有传统的味道。$5.60Grilled Pork Belly Skewers 烤三层肉
Indulge in the crispy and juicy layers of three pork belly skewers, a carnivore's delight. 沉醉于三串香脆多汁的五花肉串,是肉食动物的最爱。$5.60Grilled Chicken Skewers 烤鸡肉串
Savor the tender and juicy taste of three chicken skewers, grilled to golden perfection. 品尝三串烤至金黄完美的鸡肉串的嫩滑多汁。$5.60Grilled Oysters with Mushed Garlic 蒜蓉生蚝
Dive into the sea's treasures with two grilled oysters, elevated with a touch of mushed garlic. 与两只蒜泥烤生蚝一起潜入大海的宝藏。$13.00Grilled Scallops with Mushed Garlic 蒜蓉扇贝
Indulge in the delicate flavor of two grilled scallops, enhanced with fragrant mushed garlic. 沉浸于两个与香脆蒜泥相得益彰的烤扇贝的细腻风味中。$12.00Grilled Chicken Hearts 碳烤鸡心
Experience the unique taste of charcoal-grilled chicken hearts, a delicacy not to be missed. 体验独特的碳烤鸡心味道,这是一道不容错过的美味。$6.00Grilled Chicken Feet 烤鸡爪
Delight in the crispy and flavorful taste of grilled chicken feet, a traditional favorite. 享受烤鸡爪香脆可口的味道,这是一道传统的美食。$2.40Orleans Grilled Chicken Wings 奥尔良烤鸡翅
Savor the spicy and aromatic Orleans grilled chicken wings, a fusion of flavors that dance on the palate. 品尝辛辣而芳香的奥尔良烤鸡翅,这是一种在味蕾上跳舞的风味融合。$3.30Grilled Beef Tribe 烤牛肚
Relish the tender taste of three grilled beef tribe skewers, a burst of flavors with every bite. 享受三串烤牛肚的嫩滑口感,每一口都充满了风味。$6.00Grilled Beef Tendon Feet 烤牛蹄筋
Indulge in the unique texture of three grilled beef tendon skewers, a chewy delight for meat lovers. 享受三串烤牛蹄筋的独特口感,是肉食者的嚼劲乐趣。$6.00Grilled Chicken Skin 烤鸡皮
Savor the crispy sensation of three chicken skin skewers, a light and flavorful treat. 品尝三串鸡皮串的香脆感觉,这是一种轻盈而风味十足的美味。$5.50Grilled Lamb Chop 烤羊排
Experience the succulent and rich flavor of grilled lamb chop, a gourmet's choice. 体验烤羊排的多汁丰富的味道,这是美食家的选择。$28.00Grilled Pork Feet 烤猪蹄
Relish the rich and succulent flavor of grilled pork feet, a culinary delight that melts in your mouth. 享受烤猪蹄浓郁多汁的风味,这是一道在您口中融化的烹饪佳肴。$12.90Grilled Duck Tongue 烤鸭舌
Experience the delicate and unique taste of three grilled duck tongues, a delicacy that's hard to resist. 体验三串烤鸭舌的细腻和独特的味道,这是一道难以抗拒的美味。$6.30Grilled Oily Tendon 烤油筋
Savor the chewy sensation of three grilled oily tendon skewers, a delightful play of textures. 品尝三串烤油筋的嚼劲,这是一种口感的玩味。$6.00Grilled Cantonese Sausage 广式腊肠
Delight in the rich and smoky flavor of three grilled Cantonese sausages, a taste of tradition. 享受三串烤广式腊肠的浓郁和烟熏味,这是一种传统的味道。$6.40Grilled Shrimps 烤大虾
Relish the juicy and succulent flavor of three grilled shrimps, a seafood lover's dream. 享受三只烤大虾的多汁和鲜美的味道,这是海鲜爱好者的梦想。$9.00Grilled Squid 烤鱿鱼
Savor the tender and flavorful taste of grilled squid, a taste of the ocean in every bite. 品尝烤鱿鱼的嫩滑和风味十足的味道,每一口都有大海的味道。$11.00Grilled Shishamo Fish 烤多春鱼
Experience the unique and delightful taste of three grilled Shishamo fish, a flavor that dances on the tongue. 体验三个烤多春鱼的独特和愉快的味道,这是一个在舌头上跳舞的风味。$9.00Grilled Taiwanese Sausage 烤台湾香肠
Indulge in the sweet and savory flavor of grilled Taiwanese sausage, a true taste of the island. 沉浸在烤台湾香肠的甜美和风味中,这是岛上的真实味道。$3.30Grilled Bean Curd Skin with Coriander Rolls 烤千页豆腐卷香菜
Savor the light and crispy taste of grilled bean curd skin rolls, enhanced with fresh coriander. 品尝与新鲜香菜相得益彰的烤千页豆腐卷的轻脆味道。$2.70Grilled Corn Kernels
Experience the smoky and sweet sensation of grilled corn kernels, a delightful treat that bursts with flavor. 体验烤玉米粒的烟熏和甜美的感觉,这是一种充满风味的美味。$5.00Grilled Sliced Potato 烤土豆片
Indulge in the rustic flavor of three grilled potato slices, a timeless classic. 享受三片烤土豆片的乡村风味,这是一个永恒的经典。$3.30Roasted Leeks 烤韭菜
Savor the charred and aromatic flavor of roasted leeks, a vegetable treat that stands out. 品尝烤韭菜的焦糖和芳香味道,这是一种脱颖而出的蔬菜美食。$7.70Roasted Bell Peppers 烤青椒
Delight in the smoky and sweet taste of roasted bell peppers, a vibrant addition to any meal. 享受烤青椒的烟熏和甜味,这是任何餐点的亮点。$3.70Grilled Fish Tofu 烤鱼豆腐
Experience the tender and juicy taste of three grilled fish tofu skewers, a fusion of flavors that's simply irresistible. 体验三串烤鱼豆腐的嫩滑和多汁的味道,这是一种简单无法抗拒的风味融合。$6.00Grilled Buns 烤馒头
Indulge in the warm and fluffy texture of grilled buns, a comforting bite that soothes the soul. 沉浸在烤馒头温暖和蓬松的口感中,这是一个安慰心灵的口感。$2.40Grilled Toast 烤面包
Relish the crispy edges and soft center of grilled toast, a perfect start to any meal. 享受烤面包的香脆边缘和软中心,这是任何餐点的完美开始。$2.40
Tin Foil Series 锡纸类
Tin Foil Tofu 锡纸豆腐
Dive into the world of soft tofu, perfectly cooked in tin foil to seal in all the flavors. A modern take on a classic ingredient. 深入软豆腐的世界,完美地用锡纸烹饪以封锁所有风味。这是对经典成分的现代诠释。$13.00Tin Foil Enoki Mushroom 锡纸金针菇
Savor the earthy flavors of enoki mushrooms, delicately cooked in tin foil. An innovative dish that promises a burst of umami. 品尝金针菇的泥土风味,精致地用锡纸烹饪。这是一个承诺鲜味爆发的创新菜肴。$13.00Tin Foil Clams 锡纸啦啦
Experience the fresh and briny taste of clams, perfectly sealed in tin foil for maximum flavor. A seafood lover's dream. 体验啦啦的新鲜和咸味,完美地用锡纸封闭以获得最大的风味。这是海鲜爱好者的梦想。$20.00Tin Foil Potatoes 锡纸土豆
Delight in the rustic flavors of potatoes, roasted to perfection in tin foil. A comfort food that brings warmth and nostalgia. 享受土豆的乡村风味,在锡纸中烤制得恰到好处。这是一种带来温暖和怀旧感的舒适食物。$12.00Tin Foil Baby Chinese Cabbage 锡纸娃娃菜
Relish the tender and flavorful baby Chinese cabbage, delicately roasted in tin foil. A dish that's light yet satisfying. 享受嫩滑且风味十足的娃娃菜,在锡纸中精致地烤制。这是一道既清淡又满足的菜肴。$12.00
Appetiser 开胃凉菜
Assorted Vegetable with Dipping Sauce 蘸酱菜
Dip into a world of flavors with our assorted vegetables, perfectly paired with our signature sauce. 与我们特制的蘸酱完美搭配的各种蔬菜。$16.00Colourful Mung Bean Noodle Salad 五彩大拉皮
Savor a vibrant array of textures and flavors in this colorful mung bean noodle salad. A delightful burst of freshness with every bite. 感受这五彩大拉皮中的多彩口感和风味。每一口都带给你清爽的体验。$16.00Preserved Eggs with Green Pepper Salad 青椒皮蛋
Indulge in the harmonious blend of creamy preserved eggs complemented by the kick of green peppers. 享受与青椒完美搭配的滑嫩皮蛋。$14.00Vinegar Peanuts Salad 老醋花生
Relish the tangy twist of vinegar peanuts, a refreshing blend of crunch and zest. 品尝带有一丝醋味的花生,口感香脆带有一丝回甘。$14.00Tiger Vegetable Salad 老虎菜
Experience the wild crunch of our Tiger Vegetable Salad, a raw adventure for the palate. 尝试我们老虎菜的野生口感,是味蕾的冒险之旅。$14.00Cucumber with Mashed Garlic Salad 蒜泥黄瓜
Delight in the refreshing taste of cucumber, elevated with a punch of mashed garlic. 享受由蒜泥提味的清爽黄瓜。$11.00Sliced Pork with Mashed Garlic 蒜泥白肉
Savor the tender slices of pork, harmoniously combined with fragrant mashed garlic. 品尝与香脆蒜泥完美结合的猪肉薄片。$16.00Sliced Beef and Ox Tongue in Chilli Sauce 夫妻肺片
Indulge in the spicy allure of thinly sliced beef and ox tongue, drenched in our signature chilli sauce. 沉浸在我们特制辣酱中的薄切牛肉和牛舌中。$19.00