About Daily Green - Yishun
Daily Green was founded based on its philosophy of sharing quality vegetarian food with our community. Each experience contributes to our diners’ well-being and healthy lifestyle through its menu of vegetarian and plant-based dishes.
Daily Specials 每日精选
Signature Roasted Chicken Rice 素鸡饭
$6.90Signature Vegetarian Porridge 吉祥粥
$5.00Laksa 叻沙
$7.20Nasi Briyani 印度姜黄饭
$7.90Omni Fried Wanton Noodle 新膳肉炸云吞面
$7.20Chicken Cutlet Noodle 炸鸡扒面
$7.90Chicken Cutlet Bento 炸鸡扒便当
$8.20Signature Vegetarian Noodle 吉祥面
$5.50Mee Siam 米暹
$5.50Pork Chop Noodles 猪扒面
$7.90Black Pepper Pork Chop Bento 黑椒猪扒便当
Add On
Add Base 加底
$1.50Add Vegetables 加菜
$1.50Curry Puff 咖喱卜
$1.50Spring Roll 春卷
$1.50Vegetarian Goose 斋鹅
$3.50Char Siew 叉烧
$1.50Ngoh Hiang 五香
$1.80Vegetarian Bee Hoon 斋米粉