About Daily Green - Yishun
Daily Green was founded based on its philosophy of sharing quality vegetarian food with our community. Each experience contributes to our diners’ well-being and healthy lifestyle through its menu of vegetarian and plant-based dishes.
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26 Singapore Style Bee Hoon 星洲米粉
$7.2022 Mee Goreng 马来炒面
$7.2030 Hor Fun with Egg Gravy 滑蛋河粉
$7.9028 Hor Fun 干炒河粉
Chef's Recommendation - Noodle 厨师推荐 - 面类
28 Hor Fun 干炒河粉
$7.2030 Hor Fun with Egg Gravy 滑蛋河粉
$7.9022 Mee Goreng 马来炒面
$7.2026 Singapore Style Bee Hoon 星洲米粉
$7.2023 Hokkien Mee 福建面
$7.2024 Hokkien Prawn Noodle 福建炒虾面
$7.9025 Seafood White Bee Hoon 海鲜白米粉
$7.9027 Hong Kong Style Noodle 香港炒面
$7.2029 Hor Fun with Gravy 炒河粉
$7.2031 Bee Hoon with Gravy 炒米粉