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Value Claypot Lunch Sets
Chinese Cabbage Pork Belly and Claypot Rice 白菜五花肉瓦煲饭
Indulge in a comforting bowl of Claypot Rice with our Chinese Cabbage Pork Belly, featuring tender pork belly slices and crisp Chinese cabbage, layered over fragrant rice cooked to perfection in a traditional claypot, creating a hearty and satisfying meal that will warm your soul. 白菜五花肉瓦煲饭;尽情享受我们的白菜五花肉瓦煲饭,嫩滑的五花肉片和爽脆的白菜层层叠在传统瓦煲中烹制的香气扑鼻的米饭上,营造出一顿丰盛而令人满足的餐点,温暖您的心灵。$8.80Pork Belly Bean Sprouts and Clay Pot Rice 五花肉豆芽瓦煲饭
Satisfy your cravings with our Pork Belly Bean Sprouts and Clay Pot Rice, featuring succulent pork belly slices and crunchy bean sprouts, served atop fragrant rice cooked to perfection in a traditional claypot, creating a delicious and comforting meal that will leave you feeling fully satisfied. 五花肉豆芽瓦煲饭;满足您的渴望,我们的五花肉豆芽瓦煲饭,嫩滑的五花肉片和爽脆的豆芽,配以传统瓦煲中烹制的香气扑鼻的米饭,营造出一顿美味且令人满足的餐点,让您感到完全满意。$8.80Pig Intestine Stewed Tofu and Rice 猪大肠炖豆腐饭
Experience the rich flavors of our Pig Intestine Stewed Tofu and Rice, featuring tender pig intestine slices and silky tofu, simmered in a flavorful broth and served over steamed rice, creating a hearty and comforting dish that's perfect for any meal. 猪大肠炖豆腐饭;体验我们的猪大肠炖豆腐饭的丰富口味,嫩滑的猪大肠片和丝滑的豆腐,煮在浓郁的汤中,盛在蒸米饭上,营造出一道丰盛而令人愉悦的菜肴,非常适合任何一餐。$12.80
Chef's Specials
Fish Pot 鱼锅
Immerse yourself in a flavorful culinary adventure with our Fish Pot, a tantalizing medley of tender fish fillets, simmered in a fragrant broth with dried chilies, peppercorns, bean sprouts, and assorted vegetables, delivering an unforgettable spicy and aromatic experience. 鱼锅;尽情沉浸在我们的鱼锅中,这是一道美味的菜肴,鱼片嫩滑可口,搭配了干辣椒、花椒、豆芽和各种蔬菜,在香料浓郁的汤汁中烹制而成,带给您难忘的辛辣芳香体验。$36.80Chicken Pot 鸡煲
Savor the essence of comfort food with our Chicken Pot, featuring succulent chicken pieces cooked to perfection in a rich and aromatic broth, bursting with layers of savory flavors and served piping hot for a truly satisfying dining experience. 鸡煲;品尝舒适食物的精髓,我们的鸡煲采用多汁的鸡肉块,完美烹制在浓郁芳香的汤汁中,层层鲜美味道,热气腾腾地奉上,真正满足您的美食享受。$28.80Signature Spicy Chicken 招牌辣子鸡
Indulge in the fiery flavors of our Signature Spicy Chicken, featuring tender chicken pieces stir-fried to perfection with dried chilies and Sichuan peppercorns, creating a mouthwatering sensation that will leave you craving for more. 招牌辣子鸡;尽情沉浸在我们的招牌辣子鸡的火辣口味中,嫩滑的鸡肉块与干辣椒和花椒完美翻炒,带来令人垂涎欲滴的味觉享受,让您欲罢不能。$20.80Sichuan-Style Fried Pork 川式炒肉
Experience the bold and spicy flavors of Sichuan cuisine with our Sichuan-Style Fried Pork, featuring tender pork slices stir-fried with aromatic spices and chili peppers, creating a tantalizing dish that packs a punch with every bite. 川式炒肉;体验四川菜的浓烈和辛辣味道,我们的川式炒肉以嫩滑的猪肉片炒制而成,配以芳香的香料和辣椒,带来令人垂涎的菜肴,每一口都充满了力量。$16.80Boiled Beef 水煮牛肉
Dive into a bowl of soul-warming comfort with our Boiled Beef, featuring tender beef slices cooked in a flavorful broth with spicy Sichuan peppercorns, dried chilies, and crisp vegetables, delivering a satisfyingly spicy and aromatic sensation with every spoonful. 水煮牛肉;沉浸在一碗温暖心灵的舒适感中,我们的水煮牛肉以嫩滑的牛肉片煮制而成,配以香辣的四川花椒、干辣椒和爽脆的蔬菜,每一口都带来令人满足的辛辣芳香。$16.80Boiled Pork 水煮猪肉
Treat yourself to the comforting flavors of our Boiled Pork, featuring succulent pork slices simmered in a flavorful broth with aromatic spices, chili peppers, and fresh vegetables, creating a hearty and satisfying dish that will warm your soul with every bite. 水煮猪肉;尽情享受我们水煮猪肉的舒适味道,嫩滑的猪肉片在芳香的汤汁中悄悄煮制,配以香料、辣椒和新鲜蔬菜,营造出一道丰盛而令人满足的菜肴,每一口都能温暖您的心灵。$16.80Boiled Fish 水煮鱼
Embark on a culinary journey with our Boiled Fish, featuring tender fish fillets immersed in a spicy broth with dried chilies, Sichuan peppercorns, bean sprouts, and assorted vegetables, creating a symphony of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds. 水煮鱼;与我们的水煮鱼一起踏上烹饪之旅,嫩滑的鱼片浸泡在辣味汤汁中,配以干辣椒、四川花椒、豆芽和各种蔬菜,营造出一种让人垂涎欲滴的味觉交响曲。$16.80Fried French Beans 炒四季豆
Savor the crunch and freshness of our Fried French Beans, a popular vegetable dish cooked to perfection with crushed dried shrimp and crisp French beans, delivering a delightful burst of flavors and textures in every bite. 炒四季豆;品尝我们的炒四季豆的脆嫩和新鲜,这是一道受欢迎的蔬菜菜肴,用碎干虾和爽脆的四季豆烹制而成,每一口都带来愉悦的味觉和口感。$12.80Fried Cabbage 炒白菜
Delight your palate with the simplicity of our Fried Cabbage, featuring tender cabbage stir-fried to perfection, retaining its natural sweetness and crisp texture, making it the perfect accompaniment to any meal. 炒白菜;品尝我们的炒白菜的简单美味,嫩滑的白菜完美翻炒,保留了其天然的甜味和爽脆的口感,成为任何一餐的完美搭配。$12.80Spicy and Sour Shredded Potatoes 酸辣土豆丝
Indulge in the vibrant flavors of our Spicy and Sour Shredded Potatoes, featuring thin strips of potatoes tossed in a tantalizing blend of spicy, salty, and tangy flavors, creating a harmonious balance of taste and texture that will leave you craving for more. 酸辣土豆丝;沉浸在我们的酸辣土豆丝的丰富口味中,薄片土豆搭配了辛辣、咸味和酸味的迷人调味料,营造出一种味觉和口感的和谐平衡,让您欲罢不能。$8.80
Mala Spicy Hot Pot Meals
Set Meal For 1 (1 人套餐)
Experience a complete dining experience with our Set Meal For 1, featuring your choice of meat, three delectable vegetables, and mushroom, offering a balanced and satisfying meal that's perfect for solo dining. 1 人套餐;体验一顿完整的餐饮体验,我们的一人套餐包括您选择的肉类、三种美味蔬菜和蘑菇,提供了一顿平衡且令人满足的餐点,非常适合单人用餐。$10.80Set Meal For 2 (2 人套餐)
Share a delightful meal with a loved one with our Set Meal For 2, featuring your choice of two meats, four delicious vegetables, and mushroom, offering a generous and satisfying dining experience that's perfect for couples. 2 人套餐;与您所爱的人分享一顿美味的餐点,我们的两人套餐包括您选择的两种肉类、四种美味蔬菜和蘑菇,提供了一次慷慨而令人满足的用餐体验,非常适合情侣用餐。$18.80Set Meal For 4 (4 人套餐 )
Gather your friends and family for a feast with our Set Meal For 4, featuring your choice of three meats, four delectable vegetables, and two mushrooms, providing a hearty and satisfying meal that's perfect for sharing. 4 人套餐;聚集您的朋友和家人,品尝我们的四人套餐,包括您选择的三种肉类、四种美味蔬菜和两种蘑菇,提供了一顿丰盛而令人满足的用餐体验,非常适合共享。$28.80
Mala Spicy Hot Pot 麻辣香锅
Mala Spicy Hotpot 麻辣香锅
Ignite your taste buds with our Mala Spicy Hotpot, a fiery concoction of assorted meats, vegetables, and mushrooms, simmered in a rich and aromatic broth infused with numbing Sichuan peppercorns and fiery chili peppers, delivering an unforgettable spicy and addictive flavor experience. 麻辣香锅;点燃您的味蕾,我们的麻辣香锅采用各种肉类、蔬菜和蘑菇,煮在浓郁芳香的汤中,加入了麻辣四川花椒和火辣辣的辣椒,带来了令人难忘的辛辣和令人上瘾的味道体验。$0.50