Alicia (5 Roses)
$80.00Juliet (7 Roses and 2 Cotton Flowers)
$100.00Bubbles - Pink (LED Lights)
$50.00Bubbles - Blue (LED Lights)
$50.00Bubbles - Red (LED Lights)
$50.00Bubbles - Purple (LED Lights)
$50.00Aria (3 Roses)
$52.00Baby Breath Bouquet - Blue
$35.00Chanice (8 Roses)
$80.00Diane (2 Roses and 1 Cotton) - Blue
$45.00Afina (2 Roses and 3 Carnations)
$65.00Olivia (1 Rose and 2 Cotton Flowers) - Blush Pink
$58.00Olivia (1 Rose and 2 Cotton Flowers) - Violet
$58.00Rainbow Magic (7 Roses)
$65.00Sarah (2 Roses and 2 Cottons)
$72.00Cheryl (3 Roses) - Pastel Pink
$40.00Elsa (3 Roses) - Pastel Blue
$40.00Sunshine (3 Roses) - Pastel Yellow
$40.00Viola (3 Roses) - Pastel Purple
$40.00Large Baby Breath Bouquet - Pink
$48.00Large Baby Breath Bouquet - White
$48.00Large Baby Breath Bouquet - Blue