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Place an order from $12 to get 14 days of free delivery on us. Available until 17 Apr. T&Cs:
Burger King
KFC - The Star Vista
Guzman y Gomez - One Holland Village
An Acai Affair
CALI, Park Avenue Rochester
Zhong Hua Guo Wang 中华锅王 - Holland Village
Pizza Hut
Pepper Castle
La Nonna - Holland Village
Char-Grill Bar - Holland Village
Seafood at Sixth Avenue
British Indian Curry Hut
Springleaf Prata Place - Sunset Way
Ji De Chi Dessert 记得吃甜品
Kimly Seafood
Cha Cha Cha Mexican Restaurant
Pasta Fresca
Xing Long Fish Soup
Ming Kitchen - 40 Holland Drive
Hong Kong Street Cheng Ji 香港街成记
Curry Nation
Boost Juice
MOS Burger Express - Holland Village
The Banana Leaf Apolo
Groceries, snacks, drinks and more
Sheng Siong Supermarket
50 min
Beepbeep! (Supermarket)
Shell Select
60 min